Hi, I'm Amy


I have worked in leadership positions in both the private and nonprofit sector for the last 20 years. I’ve gone from dreading managing people to loving it more than any other aspect of my work – so much so that I decided to get out from behind the desk and spend all of my time working with people to discover their limitless potential and the thrilling possibilities they can create.

As a woman in finance and accounting who has worked in industries from construction to social services, I’ve spent some serious time being my own barrier to a better way of being at work. Finance Leadership means taking piles and piles of daunting information and figure out the best way forward -- it means focusing on the management of risk. I had the opportunity to discover that risk management isn't about making sure nothing bad happens, it's about shoring up to take advantage of good things that come up, and in the face of challenges to succeed - this comes into coaching.  In my finance life, I trained myself in the art of positive reframing, and I bring that to my coaching practice as well!

In key relationships, as part of a team, as a boss and as a human, I’ve learned how to show up as the real me, how to get out of my own way and what it means to create the life of my dreams.

Coaching has been invaluable in my journey – could it be key in yours? Let’s find out!


Living your life courageously is not about not being afraid, it's about being afraid and moving forward anyway.

Win or lose, give yourself grace.